What We Believe

John 3:16

Pine Mountain Christian Community Church is a non-denominational, Protestant “community church.” We have members from many Christian faith backgrounds and seek to lead everyone into a closer relationship to Jesus Christ. Our faith is based on the traditional, historical, Christian message taught by Jesus Christ and spread by His Apostles. We are an independent church, meaning that we have no denominational affiliation, and there is no authoritarian denomination directing us.

We believe that the Bible is the infallible, and inerrant “Word of God” and is completely sufficient for our lives. We believe that the Bible is the sole authority for faith and practice, and the Gospel message contained therein is the only path to salvation and peace with God.

The benefit we have as a Community Church is the variety of Christian traditions brought by our members. Since we have no denominational tradition as a community church, we are able to incorporate the best and most productive traditions of all the denominations to reach our goals.

Our Purpose: “In that we have received the ministry of reconciliation, we are ambassadors for Christ in Pine Mountain Club and the other local mountain communities in order that His kingdom may be extended here. We are to grow in Christlikeness through intentional evangelistic efforts, discipleship, dynamic worship and true Christian love for one another and we are to be a light to the community by providing service where possible.”

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Sunday Worship Service

9:30am – All Church Prayer in Sanctuary

10:00am – One service for youth and adults. Both in person and online.

Ongoing Events

Women’s Bible Study
Wednesdays - 10 a.m.
Activities Center

Men’s Bible Study
Wednesdays - 10 a.m.
Church Library

Jr. High & Sr. High meet for dinner and Bible Study
Wednesdays - 5 p.m.
Activities Center

JAM (Jesus And Me, ages 5 to 10) - meet for Bible lesson, Crafts, Music and Dinner!
Thursdays 4 - 6 p.m.
Activities Center