Pastor’s Update

Dear friend of Pine Mountain Christian Community Church,

I’d like you to imagine the greatest “adventure trip” possible on earth. You might think of sailing on a yacht off the Bahamas, with opportunities to actually sail the ship, go snorkeling, save endangered ocean creatures, and set up a freshwater system and solar power for all the Islanders. You might think of traveling with the elite U. S. Army Special Forces, and rescuing children kidnapped and trapped in human slavery. But whatever you could imagine as the greatest adventure trip possible, nothing would come close to the adventures, glories, majesty, and power that Christians will experience when Jesus returns and establishes His kingdom on earth. This Sunday, July 28th, we will continue in our study of the book of Romans, and get a glimpse of the glorious future God has prepared for us!


* The Bergman baby has arrived! Her name is Tavia Fe, and she arrived last Thursday, July 18th at 8:26 a.m. Both mother (Natacheau) and baby are doing great! Dad Jeremiah is doing a awesome job of taking care of both Natacheau and Tavia, as well as Tavia’s sister and brother. If you would like to bring a meal to their house, please call or text Cindy Andress at 818-620-3029.

* You are invited to attend the PMC E.P. Safety Net information and training meeting on Friday, August 2, 2024 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.  It will be held in our Activities Center and will train you how to use an MRS radio to reach out to neighbors in the event of an emergency.


* Sunday, July 28th at 9:30 a.m.: All Church Prayer Time in the church sanctuary 

* Sunday, July 28th at 10 a.m.: Worship Service in the sanctuary.  Sermon: “A Glorious Future Is Prepared for Us”, Romans 8:18-27.  Live-streamed (Lord willing) on,, and Facebook

* Tuesday, July 30th at 7 pm: Home Group at 16420 Aleutian Dr.

* Wednesday, July 31st at 10 am: Women’s Bible Study in the Activities Center

* Wednesday, July 31st at 10 am: Men’s Bible Study in the Church Library

* Wednesday, July 31st at 5 pm: Youth Meeting (Jr. High and Sr. High) in the Activities Center

* Thursday, August 1st at 4 pm: JAM (Jesus And Me – ages 5 to 10) at the Activities Center

Looking forward to a glorious future! 

Pastor Rick

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Sunday Worship Service

9:30am – All Church Prayer in Sanctuary

10:00am – One service for youth and adults. Both in person and online.

Ongoing Events

Food Distribution
Tusdays 1 p.m.
Activities Center

Women’s Bible Study
Wednesdays - 10 a.m.
Activities Center

Men’s Bible Study
Wednesdays - 10 a.m.
Church Library

Jr. High meet for dinner and Bible Study
Wednesdays - 5 p.m.
Activities Center

JAM (Jesus And Me, ages 5 to 10) - meet for Bible lesson, Crafts, Music and Dinner!
Thursdays 4 - 6 p.m.
Activities Center